Inspiring Stories

Meet just some of the people your donation will impact.


Agustín has overcome quite a bit in his life. Through it all, he has remained hopeful and dedicated to a brighter future. Family Eldercare met Agustín while he was homeless. Through our Rapid ReHousing services, he was able to finally get off the streets and into his own apartment. The first time he turned the key to enter his home for the first time is a memory he will never forget. He loves cooking in his own kitchen. He works part-time and is saving up for a car to get to work more easily. Agustín has never given up on himself and he never will.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Agustín fulfill his dreams of getting chef’s knives and new pots and pans for his kitchen. He would also benefit from pre-paid gas cards and other transportation assistance.


Bernie, age 54, is a proud Veteran. Bernie served as a “Seabee”; a common nickname given to sailors in the United States Naval Construction Battalion. Bernie shares that serving his country is the best thing he ever did. As Bernie describes it, “We built. We fought. The Seabees are sent into areas that aren't very secure to build bridges or piers and assist troops in combat. They will always have the Navy fighting spirit and make sacrifices just the same as any combat unit to complete their mission”. 

Bernie is thankful for the support he received after his service in the military. The Navy paid for his education and still provides him with health insurance and other benefits today. Bernie struggled with his mental health after he was discharged. Over time, Veterans Affairs determined he was no longer able to manage his financial affairs and appointed Family Eldercare as his VA Fiduciary to protect his finances and protect him from anyone trying to take advantage of him. Bernie has come a long way with his mental health. His fitness routine is very important to him for both his physical and mental wellness.

Bernie is a big Pittsburg Steelers and Pittsburgh Penguins fan and would love clothing or décor reflecting his fandom. He would also benefit from minor home repairs, gift cards for groceries, and a set of dumb bells. Your gift can help Bernie and other people we serve have the peace of mind that comes from having a caring professional by your side.


George, age 63, has a medical condition that requires certain supports to be put into place. Through his Service Coordinator at his housing complex, Family Eldercare assisted him with obtaining appropriate resources and items to achieve a more comfortable and stable living environment. Recently, George has required more intense services to deal with his medical issues. It has been a challenging road for him, but George is a fighter. He persevered during the trials he faced as he transitioned into needing more care than he expected.

George is a no-nonsense guy and would like gift cards to use at his discretion. He would appreciate HEB, Walmart, Target gift cards that he can use for a variety of things, for example. Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can be used to purchase a variety of gift cards for his use.


Imka, age 55, is constantly striving to move forward in life. Her mother died when she was an infant, and her birth records were destroyed in a fire at the hospital where she was born. Imka needed help in many areas but was always blocked because she didn’t have documentation or know how to get it. She came to Family Eldercare needing assistance with her rent, utilities, and obtaining vital records. We have been successful in getting her caught up on her rent by working with her leasing office. Our case managers helped her obtain a copy of her birth certificate so she could enroll in utility assistance through the CEAP program. Imka is truly a hero of her own life because she never gives up. She knows exactly what she needs and is an advocate for her own mental health. She has sought out counseling, therapy, resources, support, and help from Family Eldercare.

Imka would love to adopt a new puppy for companionship. Your donation to the Holiday Giving Drive can help her stock her home with needed supplies such as a crate, dog bed, toys, and basic supplies. She’d also love a gift card to so she can learn about her ancestry or potential family she has. She’d also like gift cards to buy winter clothes of her choosing.


Irma, age 65, lives with her sister in a duplex. She is on a very tight fixed income and lives with a disability that requires that she sleep in a hospital bed. Her Social Security doesn’t cover all her needs. She receives Case Management services to maintain stability. Irma would like to have a higher quality of life as she faces her sunset years. She wants to experience as much joy out of life as possible even when her lack of resources makes it difficult. Irma is always striving to do better and be as independent as possible.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Irma get what she really wants: a more comfortable mattress and bedding for her hospital bed. She would also benefit from cozy clothes and creature comforts for her home.


At age 61, Judy has persevered through many hardships in her life, yet has always maintained a positive spirit. While battling numerous health issues that nearly took her life, Judy has been raising the child of a friend who was not able to do so herself. Judy has been a devoted mother figure, raising this young lady with devotion, while instilling her own values of faith and service. Judy takes care of her mental health through our in-home Counseling services. Her small dogs Chico the Chihuahua and Oreo the Boston Terrier are also a great source of emotional support. She has inspired others with her resilience and has a very caring heart for others who are struggling with adversity.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help fulfill her biggest wish: to be able to repair her car so she can keep up with her medical appointments and community activities. She would also like to get clothing and school supplies for the little girl in her care. Your gift can also help her and other people we serve who need pet supplies. Gift certificates to HEB and Walmart would also be welcomed.


Kenny, age 71 was part of a beautiful love story. More than 30 years ago, he met and married the love of his life, Joyce. Kenny and Joyce ignored the stereotype that persons with intellectual disabilities could not fall in love and get married. They also ignored the prejudice of being an interracial couple and enjoyed a wonderful life together. Kenny worked as a busboy at a popular Georgetown restaurant and only recently retired. Both have received Bill Payer and Case Management services from Family Eldercare for many years. Sadly, Kenny lost Joyce a few weeks ago. We helped him plan her funeral and checked in on him often. This will be his first holiday season as a widower. While Kenny is a positive person, we know this is a rough time.

Your donation to the Holiday Giving Drive can help purchase gift cards for Kenny to purchase food he enjoys. He also needs household goods like a new microwave, toaster, and glasses. It would be great for him to get a new stackable washer and dryer that could fit in his condo.


In Malina’s young adulthood, she was a single-parent with a professional job and living a "normal" life. Then, life turned upside down after she suffered a severe brain injury. She lost her ability to be a primary caregiver for her child. She lost her job. And, she was no longer able to participate in friendships that had been so important. Her grit is why she's alive today. She became a fierce self-advocate, volunteer in the community, and sought out help from Family Eldercare. Now age 57, she participates in our in-home Counseling and receives case management. Over the last 10 years, Malina recovered the ability to speak and perform life's daily tasks. She has not given up on the idea that she could one day work again. Her goal is to obtain employment in a supportive environment, and to demonstrate to others who have survived brain injuries that it's possible to defy expectations.

Malina’s most important need is speech and physical therapy but she can't afford the co-pays. Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can assist Marina and other people we serve who have unmet medical needs. Your donation can also help Malina get new clothes and household items for her apartment.


Pam, age 51, is very independent despite living with a disability. She loves hanging out with her two cats Sweet Pea and Slim. The Representative Payee services she receives from us help her maintain housing and financial stability.  She would love to splurge more on her cats who are her greatest companions.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive is a great comfort to the animal lovers we serve who stress about caring for their animal companions. Your gift can help Pam splurge on cat treats, stay fully stocked on cat litter, and purchase cozy clothes for herself.  


Robert is a great guy who always has the best attitude. He has been working hard on his health and recently reversed his diabetes by sticking to a healthy diet. He dreams of going to culinary school and is currently earning his associate degree. While Robert receives Representative Payee services because of his disability, he still takes great pride in actively participating in this process.

By donating to the Holiday Giving Drive, you can help Robert get cozy clothing, shoes, and winter items. He’d love gift cards to his favorite Chinese restaurant, Bamboo Gardens. His biggest wish is to spurge on a bike to keep his fitness goals on track. Your gift can assist Robert and others who live on a very fixed monthly income.


Sonya, age 55, has come a long way in her life. She suffered a personal set back and ended up homeless and living on the streets for more than a year. What you should know about Sonya is that she never gives up. Thankfully, she is now safe and living in a housing complex with access to our Service Coordination services. We were able to help her renew her state benefits, connect her to different organizations that provide her with resources she needs, and help her secure a housing voucher so she could afford her apartment. Sonya has a can-do attitude. It doesn't matter what comes her way, Sonya always says “I am going to figure this out.” Sonya knows she is resilient and can achieve her goals. She recently had a goal of adopting an animal companion and now is enjoying her time with her new rescue puppy.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can be used to purchase gift cards to pet supply stores like Petsmart, Petco, Chewy, etc. Your gift can also be used to purchase clothes she can choose herself.

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those we serve.