Inspiring Stories

Meet just some of the people your donation will impact.


Annette is 64 and has been blind her whole life. She worked for 20 years until she was laid off during the pandemic. She lost her benefits, her income, and eventually her home when she couldn’t keep up with her payments. Annette connected with Family Eldercare’s Financial and Housing Stability services while temporarily living in a hotel. Even while diagnosed with breast cancer, Annette worked hard with her case manager and finally transitioned into stable housing. Annette tells us she wants to return to work after she “whips cancer’s butt.” She will not let cancer keep her down and is passionate about helping her visually impaired community.

Your Holiday Giving Drive gift can help us purchase the items Annette wishes for most. She would love to have a sofa bed so her daughter can have a place to sleep when she visits. Annette would also benefit from a Ring doorbell system and gift cards for groceries.

Edith and Josephine

Edith and Josephine are a mother and daughter duo who are best friends. They have remained by each other’s side through life’s ups and downs. Both are enrolled in our Bill Payer service. These sweet and loving ladies have been through a lot. Edith is a breast cancer survivor and is currently fighting lung cancer. She requires a special diet, which is a challenge with her low income. Despite her health problems, Edith has remained amazingly positive and upbeat. Josephine is a survivor of domestic violence and fled to Texas to live with her mom. Josephine serves as caretaker to her mom, and they take care of each other emotionally.  Edith and Josephine enjoy arts & crafts, jewelry-making, and anything that lets them be creative. They live with their cat, who is the queen of their home.

By donating to the Holiday Giving Drive, you can help Edith and Josephine enjoy their arts & crafts hobbies, eat healthy, and purchase cat food and toys for their cat.


Florence, age 88, hails from St. Johns Colony just east of Lockhart, Texas. She worked hard all her life as a housekeeper and later in home health. She gets great joy from helping others. After 70 years as a member of her church in St. Johns Colony, she proudly became a member of a local Baptist church in Austin where her son became pastor. We met Florence during the Summer Fan Drive where she received fans and assistance with her utility bill. 

Your support can assist Florence and other people we serve who are currently struggling with high utility bills. Your Holiday Giving Drive donation can help Florence keep up with her utilities and give her peace of mind so she can focus on enjoying her new friends at church.


Frances is 68 and a resident of a housing complex for older adults where she gets our Service Coordination services. Frances is a big dog-lover who is mourning the recent loss of her dog. She is doing her best to pay down her own medical expenses and gets around with a rolling walker these days. She is grateful for the food pantry available to residents but does miss eating fresh foods.

 Her biggest wish is to be able to afford fresh fruits and vegetables and to treat herself to organic foods once in a while. Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can allow us to purchase groceries and gift cards so she can enjoy her favorite types of food.


Geraldine, age 81, is a kind woman who received fans through the Summer Fan Drive and was referred to our Financial and Housing Stability services because she was struggling to afford both utilities and food.  We are still working on trying to lower her household bills so that she will have enough money to afford her basic necessities in the long term.

 Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Geraldine and others who are struggling with basic needs right now. Your support allows us to provide utility assistance, food support, and continued guidance from the Financial and Housing Stability services team.


Gracie is 58 years old and she struggles with a disability.  Our Financial and Housing Stability services help her maintain her housing and feel in control of her life. Gracie loves her two small dogs: Little Man and Miss Molly. And thinks her cat Smokey is pretty great too. Gracie always voices her appreciation for Family Eldercare whenever we visit her home.

 Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Gracie with pet expenses for her animal companions Little Man, Miss Molly, and Smokey. She would also benefit from warm clothing, socks, and toiletries.


Hannah, is 54 and lives with a hearing impairment. She loves going to church and being social.  Rachel is enrolled in our Representative Payee services which are available to persons who become unable to manage their finances. Hannah is able to maintain housing and financial stability with our help.  Hannah enjoys fragrant lotions and perfumes, cozy slippers, and  is looking forward to warmer weather!

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Hannah get items that would make her more comfortable but that she can’t afford right now: comfy socks, clothing, toiletries, more towels, and to splurge she’d love to have perfume.


Jerry, who is 62, hails from a tiny rural town named Earth, Texas. He struggled to get help for his mental health which contributed to his being homeless for many years. Thankfully his life is more stable now and he lives in a microhome at Community First! Village. He receives weekly home visits from his Family Eldercare case manager.  Larry has a passion for transforming clothing into one-of-a-kind creations by altering them by hand. He enjoys modeling his own clothes and is always thinking of innovative ways to develop his creations.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive supports positive, healthy aging. Your donation can allow Jerry to acquire the items he needs for his passion such as a sewing machine, materials, and other supplies for his clothing creations. He would also benefit from dental care and would appreciate being able to buy books on religion and other topics.


Joe is 70 and they call him the King of Karaoke at the state facility where he lives. Joe loves to sing and play dominoes. His traumatic brain injury made it impossible for him to care for himself, and Family Eldercare became his legal guardian. His guardianship care manager ensures Joe maintains a stable life.

 Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive supports Joe and others in our Guardianship program. Joe would benefit from enrichment games that involve music. He would also appreciate dominoes and any game that allows him to socialize and move around.


Lenny, age 67, prides himself on being a technically savvy problem solver, especially because he lives with multiple sclerosis (MS). He currently uses a stick placed inside his mouth to press buttons for things like his flip phone and the remote for the TV. Lenny loves getting on his powerchair to go to antique stores, attend his MS support group, go to church, and to vote in person. He receives our counseling services, and his positivity and great sense of humor keep him going. Lenny has been bedbound the last 7 years, and he’d like to be more independent. Lenny’s biggest desire is to take advantage of the amazing adaptive technology that’s available, but he can’t afford it.

Your Holiday Giving Drive gift can help Lenny get technology to control his hospital bed, use software to communicate with his eyes, and have other smart devices that can help him have more freedom and participate in more social activities.

Mary and David

Mary and David are a resilient couple in their 60’s who’ve been through a lot together, including homelessness. Our Service Coordinators helped David apply for jobs, schedule interviews, and apply for benefits to keep them stably housed. His part-time job helps them make ends meet. Both Mary and David are social butterflies who are looking forward to celebrating the holidays.   

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can give peace-of-mind to older Texans struggling financially right now. Your support can be used to help David pay for gas to get to his job, have enough for groceries, and purchase a few needed household items.


Pam, age 50, is very independent despite living with a disability. She loves hanging out with her two cats Sweet Pea and Slim. The Representative Payee services she receives from us help her maintain housing and financial stability.  She would love to splurge more on her cats who are her greatest companions.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive is a great comfort to the animal lovers we serve who stress about caring for their animal companions. Your gift can help Pam splurge on cat treats, stay fully stocked on cat litter, and purchase cozy clothes for herself.  


Rick is 53 and is doing his best with what he has. He’s got a grateful heart that centers his life. At the moment, more than 80% of his income goes toward housing. Our Representative Payee services help him maintain his housing and we look for other ways to meet his needs. Rick is looking forward to moving into his own studio apartment soon. Though money is very tight for him and he lives with a disability, Rick never complains and keeps looking forward.

Your donation to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Rick and others we serve who are struggling meeting their basic needs. Rick would appreciate getting new socks, underwear, and household items like towels and dishes for his upcoming move.


Robert is celebrating his 81st birthday this month. We help him manage his budget through our Bill Payer services. He is a throat cancer survivor and didn’t let cancer stop him from enjoying the people and activities he loves. His dad owned a record store which he worked in growing up and music is very important to him. Besides his love of music, Robert enjoys writing, and being around his grandkids and other family. Robert is a very funny man with a lot of amazing stories to share about his life and experiences.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can help Robert and others we serve keep their creative passions going with a little support. Robert would appreciate having more music, journals so he can document his life, and packing supplies since he is moving soon.


Tabitha and Fred moved to Austin last year to consult with a neurosurgeon for Fred’s injury. Unfortunately, the risks involved in having surgery were too high and Fred chose not to go through with it. Fred found himself depleting his savings for his long-term medical care. He and Tabitha were facing homelessness when they were referred to our Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program. Fred and Tabitha found comfort in one another in their apartment and spent Fred’s last days watching movie classics and listening to classic rock. Tabitha is grieving losing her Fred. But she is not alone. The RRH team is helping her apply for disability benefits now that she developed mobility problems.

Your gift to the Holiday Giving Drive can make such a big impact on someone’s quality of life, especially when they are experiencing a tough time. Your support can help Tabitha get her biggest wish: a washer and dryer in her unit so she doesn’t have to lug everything to the laundromat given her mobility problems.

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those we serve.